"Little Financial Guru" Program

On November 17th, the New York Youth Roundtable successfully launched their inaugural "Little Financial Guru" program, offering an immersive financial education experience to young participants on Wall Street. This half-day event, led by financial industry leaders, included exclusive tours of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and Goldman Sachs' global headquarters, as well as visits to iconic locations like Federal Hall and the Wall Street Bull and Fearless Girl statues.
The program aimed to enlighten young minds about the financial sector through firsthand experiences, helping them understand the intricacies of financial operations and the significance of financial institutions in global economics. The event started at the prestigious Federal Reserve Bank, where participants were granted rare access to its gold vault, which holds over 6,000 tons of gold, making it the world's largest gold repository.

Following the Federal Reserve visit, the group was taken to Goldman Sachs, where they were introduced to the dynamic environment of a trading floor, providing them with a real sense of the fast-paced nature of financial trading. The tour also included Federal Hall, the site where George Washington took the oath of office as the first President of the United States, and now a museum showcasing significant historical documents and artifacts.
The event concluded with a viewing of the symbolic Wall Street Bull and the Fearless Girl statues, rounding off a day filled with rich educational content and inspiring discussions. The "Little Financial Guru" program not only marked a successful start to the New York Youth Roundtable’s series of educational initiatives but also received high praise from participants and parents alike for its engaging and informative approach.

Building on this success, the New York Youth Roundtable plans to introduce more themed activities such as "Little Diplomat" and "Little Entrepreneur" programs, continuing their mission to nurture leadership and entrepreneurial spirit among the younger generation through practical, cross-disciplinary experiences.
纽约青年企业家俱乐部(New York Youth Roundtable)是以“开拓创新,传承互助”为宗旨的公益组织。于2015年在纽约成立,关注教育并重在培养青年人的“企业家精神”。俱乐部汇聚了有理想和社会责任感的各界领袖,包括杰出企业家、经理人、社区领袖、及各行业的专业人士。

2017年11月17日(本周五),纽约青年企业家俱乐部精心呈现了“启蒙活动”系列的首个项目“小小金融家”。活动时长半日,由金融界领袖带领青少年团深入体验华尔街,行程包括纽约联储银行(Federal Reserve Bank of NY),高盛银行的全球总部(Goldman Sachs),联邦大厅(Federal Hall),华尔街铜牛和无畏的小女孩雕塑等。项目旨在运用体验式的学习原理,为青少年进行金融启蒙,让他们对通过切身体会对华尔街产生感性的认识。活动消息一出即收到了踊跃报名,迅速满员。
活动主席团由高盛的Managing Director,也是高盛历史上最年轻的MD李可,多位中国领先企业创始人的资深投资顾问初放,以及纽约联储银行的部门经理,纽约联储亚洲协会十年来最年轻的President杨思组成。当日,导师李可和杨思也全程亲自为“小小金融家”青少年团的体验担当程作领队和向导。
