New York Youth Roundtable and International Leadership Foundation
2018 Education and Leadership Conference
March 17, 2018 3PM - 9PM
Yale Club of New York City
50 Vanderbilt Ave, New York NY 10017
Business Attire & Invitation Only
Join us at the prestigious Yale Club for the 2018 Annual Meeting of New York Youth Roundtable and International Leadership Foundation. Leading experts will explore the dynamics of Sino-American education and business opportunities. This exceptional conference, scheduled for March 17th at 3 PM, promises an afternoon of insightful discussions and networking opportunities.
We are honored to host Max Baucus, former U.S. Ambassador to China and Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, as our keynote speaker. His experience in international relations and economic policies will provide valuable perspectives on the evolving Sino-American landscape.
Distinguished guests, including Dr. Chao-Hui Hong, Assistant Vice Provost at Fordham University, and Liu Xiaodan, Chairman of Huatai United Securities, will join him. Together with other eminent speakers, they will delve into comparative analyses of Western and Chinese educational systems and discuss the current trends and opportunities in Sino-American trade and business.
This annual meeting is a must-attend for professionals, academics, and entrepreneurs interested in the interplay between these two great economies and how educational insights can be leveraged for better business understandings and opportunities.
Reserve your spot now and be part of an enriching dialogue that shapes the future of international education and business.
中西教育探讨 中美商机趋势
纽约青年企业家俱乐部暨国际领袖基金会2018 年会
March 17, 2018 3PM - 9PM
Yale Club of New York City
50 Vanderbilt Ave, New York NY 10017
Business Attire & Invitation Only
由纽约青年企业家俱乐部暨国际领袖基金会主办的2018年会将于3月17号下午3点在耶鲁俱乐部举行。届时,前美驻华大使、前参议院财政委员会主席马克斯·博卡斯(Max Baucus)将会做主旨演讲。年会还邀请了美国福特汉姆大学(Fordham University)学术助理副校长洪朝辉博士和华泰联合证券董事长刘晓丹,以及其他领域重量级的嘉宾,展开关于中西教育和中美商机趋势的探讨。我们诚挚邀请您莅临参加!
Max Baucus (马克斯·博卡斯)
Joel Szabat (杰龙·查伯特)
杰龙·查伯特先生是国际领袖基金会创始人,现任美国交通部国际空运及事务助理副部长,曾任海运署执行署长。2009年曾管理交通部 480亿美元的复苏项目。此前,查伯特先生也曾任职环保局管理顾问,及加州环境和资源署的协调官。
Dr. Z. George Hong (洪朝辉博士)
洪朝辉博士(Dr. Z. George Hong),现任美国福特汉姆大学(Fordham University) 首席研究官、历史学终身教授,发表九部学术书籍和百余篇学术论文,主要研究领域是经济史和中国研究等。
Mr. Rick Wade (瑞克·韦德)
Mr. Rick Wade 现任美国全美总商会战略联盟与开拓副主席。Wade先生曾任商务部部长顾问、韦德集团负责人及RBR投资合伙人。一向致力于为美国企业创造海外机会,也曾代表美国出席许多国际会议。
美国全美总商会 战略联盟与开拓副主席
David Drake (大卫·德雷克)
Mr.Venkat Meenavalli
Mr.Venkat Meenavalli 现任Longfin公司董事长兼首席执行官。作为一位科技企业家与金融专家,米纳瓦里先生在量化金融、金融科技、交易、风投、私募、居间债务、顾问及再保险等领域有着长期而广泛的经验,并在全球各地开展业务。
宋汝彪先生现任摩根大通董事总经理,主要负责摩根大通能源投资部的投资结构和分析。在摩根大通的能源投资之前, 宋先生领导了第一芝加哥银行租赁公司的杠杆租赁定价小组, 并且是芝加哥第一国家银行的信用分析师。
Dr. Yong Ma is an Executive Vice President of Bank of China New York, responsible for risk management and regulatory compliance. Before joining Bank of China, Mr. Ma was a Managing Director of Morgan Stanley and held various leadership positions including Chief Operating Officer ("COO") for Risk Management. Prior to that, Mr. Ma served in a variety of Risk and Technology roles within Barclays Capital/Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs and IBM.
Among his civic activities, Mr. Ma serves as a NY Chapter Board Member of International Leadership Foundation and a Founding Board Member of New York Young Entrepreneurs Roundtable. He formerly served as the Chair of the Board of Trustees at Livingston Huaxia Chinese School.
Mr. Ma received the 2016 “President’s Volunteer Service Award”.
Mr. Ma holds a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, and a M.S. in Computer Science from University of California, Davis. Prior to that, he attended the Computer Science Graduate Program at Tsinghua University and earned a B.S. in Computer Engineering from Dalian University of Technology.
纽约青年企业家俱乐部(New York Young Entrepreneurs Roundtable)于2015年在纽约成立,宗旨为“开拓创新,传承互助”,关注教育、重在培养青年人的企业家精神。俱乐部汇聚了有理想和社会责任感的各界领袖,包括杰出企业家、经理人、社区领袖、及各行业的专业人士。
国际领袖基金会(International Leadership Foundation, ILF)是以提升美国亚裔群体的整体政治环境、培育未来青年领袖为宗旨的非营利性组织。自2000年在华盛顿特区成立以来,国际领袖基金会已在全美设有16个分支,在公共服务、商业交流、政经论坛、社区管理等方面不断扩展资源。发展至今,国际领袖基金会已成为全美最著名的亚裔青年领袖训练基地,为超过1000名优秀的亚裔大学生提供奖学金以及到白宫和国会等公共事务领域的领导力培训项目。